Meeting Hacks & Billionaires

July 11, 2023

Something that fuels us every day is our passion for productivity and a way to "do things better". Please enjoy our HubSync newsletter that will highlight our favorite tools and help you every day - in work and in your personal time.

Enjoy the below tips from John McGowan, HubSync CEO

  1. Search!! I used to spend way too much time trying to find that one email, the missing powerpoint, and computer files only to come up short-handed. I was an early adopter of X1 Search and it is game-changer for my busy days. It searches your Inbox along with all the files on your computer and/or OneDrive/Sharepoint with great precision and speed. That being said, it only works for Microsoft computers and I toggle between that and my Mac.
  2. Screenshots and annotations. I am constantly making screenshots and sharing comments to my development team. SnagIt has been my go to tool for many years and it works across Windows and Mac. It can snap regions, full windows, and even scrolls down web pages as well as recording videos. You can then make annotations and share with others.

> > > Runner-Ups (Mac only) - CleanShotX and Xnapper are also very powerful tools for screenshots. I use CleanShotX in addition to SnagIt on my Mac.

3. Managing meeting overload. Meeter is an easy way to get to meetings in one click. Not everyone uses Microsoft Teams so this makes it easy to get to Zoom, Google Meets, Webex, etc. Saves time and prevents all those updating downloads!

Current favorite TV show - I rarely binge a TV show but with Undercover Billionaire on Max, I got through Season 1 pretty quickly. The premise is that a billionaire goes undercover with only $100 and is challenged to build a million dollar business in 90 days. I loved watching how hard work, smarts and unwavering confidence propel these "undercover billionaires" to success in just 90 days. The first season was based in my mother's hometown of Erie, PA where I lived for a period of time growing up. As they prove on the show, the American dream is still alive and well.

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