Client Portal - Document Delivery

One place to interact with teams and clients

Collaborate online with clients and share files in your custom workspaces for each client or entity

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Client portal and document break up

The HubSync Portal provides a modern, easy-to-use place for you to easily and without hassle, collaborate with your clients. We also automate the break up of the return into distinct pieces



Estimated Payments, and


We then deliver a custom, broken up document delivered to the portal. Want internal delivery instead? No problem - what used to take 20 minutes per document now takes your team just seconds.


Finally, an easy way to deliver the return

Removing unwanted pages from documents

Reorganizing the document to your firm's specs

Splitting the document to your firm's specs.

Drag and drop feature to kick off the process

Automatically process the document and then delivered to the client.


It's as easy as 1,2,3 ....

Step 1

Integrate with your existing tax preparation software

Step 2

Securely share your files

Step 3

Break up the document any way you choose

Step 4

Alert clients to any & all activity

Step 5

Clients then easily download their document from the HubSync secure portal

Find out how we can enhance your client experience
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